FedRAMP Requirements & Prep

Gauge your FedRAMP readiness to determine realistic time-lines, project costs, and benefits of your FedRAMP investment.

FedRAMP readiness assessment dashboard

What is the ROI of my FedRAMP Project?

Going for FedRAMP authorization is a significant investment in time and money.  The potential benefits are huge – opening the $83 billion U.S. Federal marketplace for your SaaS products and services.  But the costs are also high and can vary widely from company to company, depending on your application’s existing security controls and processes.​

FedRAMP Prep gives you an opportunity to make an early assessment of your FedRAMP project, helping to answer these key questions:​

How long will the FedRAMP process take for my company?​

How much will the overall FedRAMP authorization process cost?​

What staffing and resources will we need to be successful?​

What changes will be required to my application, environment, and processes?​

With these answers in hand, you can make decisions, set realistic timelines, allocate resources, and plan your sales cycles to achieve maximum FedRAMP success.


FedRAMP Requirements & Prep


Get Results Fast

Obtain your readiness assessment in as little as 30 days so you can quickly make decisions and understand the resources required.

Determine ROI

Get a clear picture upfront of the timelines, costs and benefits so you can accurately assess the ROI of your FedRAMP project.


Plan Your Project

Use the detailed project plan to determine tasks and priorities and time your Federal government sales activities to maximum advantage.

Quickest Time to ATO

FedRAMP Prep starts your engagement with Anitian automation tools and experts, putting you on the road to ATO in the shortest possible time.

FedRAMP resource compliance issues chart

anitian fedramp prep

Know Before You Go (to ATO)

The Anitian FedRAMP Prep service is designed to quickly determine how ready your application and environment are to undergo the rigors of the FedRAMP authorization process.  It identifies specific obstacles you may face, and potential pitfalls to avoid.  It provides a realistic roadmap of what your FedRAMP journey will entail.​

With this knowledge you are better able to plan your FedRAMP project and set realistic time and cost budgets for its completion.

FedRAMP automation Resources Compliant details


Automation and Expertise

​Anitian’s FedRAMP Prep uses a handpicked set of critical cybersecurity controls that are proven to be the most impactful on your ability to achieve ATO. To make this assessment, Anitian uses a combination of technology and interviews with Anitian’s on-staff compliance experts.​​
Anitian performs discovery throughout your public cloud infrastructure, scans environments for vulnerabilities, and determines solution boundaries. Gaps in configuration items for encryption, access, secrets management and other control groups are identified. The process includes manual and automated rule evaluations.​​
The result is an accurate assessment that can be performed in as little as 30 days, so you can make decisions and decide on your FedRAMP implementation plan ASAP.

FedRAMP automated evaluations summary dashboard

Next Steps

Moving Forward

At the completion of FedRAMP Prep, you – and Anitian – have a clear plan of how best to progress down the compliance path. The assessment relies on several tools from the Anitian FedRAMP Automation Platform, so you’ve already started down the path.​​
From here, you can seamlessly upgrade to Anitian’s FedRAMP Comprehensive, which will carry you through the audit preparation, authorization and continuous monitoring phases.​

Anitian’s balanced combination of customized assistance and pre-built technology gives you the advantage of getting to ATO in half the time and at half the cost without sacrificing control over your application or environment.


Explore More FedRAMP Resources:

Anitian FedRAMP Comprehensive: Product Brief

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Anitian FedRAMP Prep: Product Brief

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How Rev5 Affects FedRAMP ATO: White Paper

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Ready To Accelerate Your FedRAMP Journey?